Course curriculum

    1. Watch the instructions video

    2. How to work with mini-stories

    1. Урок 1 – Добро пожаловать!

    2. Мини-история 1. Жанна живёт в Москве.

    3. Квиз 1

    4. Урок 2 – О чём вы говорите?

    5. Мини-история 2. О чём мечтает Маша?

    6. Квиз 2

    7. Урок 3 – Самый-самый

    8. Мини-история 3. Самое-самое в России

    9. Квиз 3

    10. Урок 4 – Я люблю Россию

    11. Мини-история 4. Девочка Оля

    12. Квиз 4

    13. Урок 5 – Что ты ешь?

    14. Мини-история 5. Виктория слушает "Квин"

    15. Квиз 5

    1. Как дела? Как прогресс? Как вы?

    1. Урок 6 – Хорошо! Вкусно!

    2. Мини-история 6. Мой брат Дмитрий

    3. Квиз 6

    4. Урок 7 – Этот? Эта? Это? Эти?

    5. Мини-история 7. Бизнесмен мечтает о Ламборгини

    6. Квиз 7

    7. Урок 8 – ТОЖЕ или ТАКЖЕ?

    8. Мини-история 8. Сильвер ест рыбу и мясо

    9. Квиз 8

    10. Урок 9 – Я еду на машине!

    11. Мини-история 9. Иван едет на такси

    12. Квиз 9

    13. Урок 10 – Который час?

    14. Мини-история 10. Куда идёт профессор?

    15. Квиз 10

    1. Финальная практика

    2. Финальный квиз

    3. Большое спасибо!

Join now, we start on August 1

  • $147.00

Your Russian teacher

Daria Molchanova

Russian Professor currently living in the US.


Ph.D. in Russian History

M.A. in Russian Studies

B.A. in Russian Culture

Certificates of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

I will make you speak Russian ;)


  • How do I understand if it's my level?

    Please, read the text below. This is the text from the last lesson of Level 1. If you can understand it EFFORTLESSLY, this level is good for you:) If you don't understand some of the grammar, please, join level 1: Приве́т! Меня́ зову́т Ро́ма. Моя́ фами́лия Молча́нов. Я ру́сский. Ра́ньше я жил в Москве́, в Росси́и. А пото́м в Ни́тре, в Слова́кии. Сейча́с я живу́ в Бо́улдере. Бо́улдер – э́то го́род в Аме́рике. Я учу́сь в шко́ле. Я люблю́ учи́ться. Я изуча́ю англи́йский язы́к и хорошо́ говорю́ по-англи́йски. У меня́ есть плейсте́йшн. Я люблю́ игра́ть. У меня́ есть семья́. Мой па́па юри́ст. Он лю́бит чита́ть и игра́ть в плейсте́йшн. Э́то моя́ ма́ма. Она́ профе́ссор в университе́те. Она́ лю́бит рабо́тать. А э́то мой кот. Его́ зову́т Си́львер. Он хоро́ший. Спаси́бо, пока́!

  • What grammar is covered on this level?

    Prepositional Case + O; Accusative case; Superlative Adjectives; Constructions Тоже и Также; Adverbs; Modifiers of ЭТО; Telling Time; Verbs of Motion; Future Tense Simple

  • How much speaking is there?

    Every single lesson contains a TPRS mini-story (25-30 minutes). All the video lessons are interactive and suggest you speak as well. Overall hours and hours of speaking Russian.

Your reviews

5 star rating

Rich Authentic Creative Course

Mary Cox

The mini-stories are on of my favourite parts of this course. Daria uses TPRS. My listening skills and speaking skills have really improved. The lessons on a...

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The mini-stories are on of my favourite parts of this course. Daria uses TPRS. My listening skills and speaking skills have really improved. The lessons on art history are also very valuable as I want to know the culture as well as the language. Daria offers many ways to reinforce what we are learning. She provides clear explanations of grammar and it is reinforced in many creative ways. I love learning the language through songs and movies and Daria also offers those options. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about learning Russian.

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5 star rating


James Norman

Love the course. The exercises with the pictures do a good job of forcing me to come up with sentences to express what I see. At my level, many times I will ...

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Love the course. The exercises with the pictures do a good job of forcing me to come up with sentences to express what I see. At my level, many times I will have to get creative because of my limited vocabulary, when I want to say something. For example, maybe I see a dog. But if I can't remember the word for dog, maybe I'll have to say, "I see a large animal". I think it's a great exercise. And Daria's style of TPRS is the best of all, at least for me. With this type of story telling and the question and answer sessions after, you can experience what it's like to actually THINK in Russian, maybe in a day or two. It's hard to describe. Just try it. It's very cool. And there is JUST enough grammar involved. For me, I'm a little over 1.5 years into this, and it was just enough to be useful, but not so much that I couldn't hope to retain what I have learned. And I mean, damn, I'm being trained by a university professor. How cool is that?

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5 star rating

I love this course!

Bethany Shaw

This course is very interactive and I learn so much! The lessons are interesting, keep you engaged, and I love that you can go at your own pace. I love the h...

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This course is very interactive and I learn so much! The lessons are interesting, keep you engaged, and I love that you can go at your own pace. I love the homework assignments too. Very happy I am doing this course. Not only can you learn Russian better in this course than anywhere else (outside of Russia lol) but you can also learn about Russian art, history and culture during the lessons. Daria as a teacher is a gift to us all. Highly recommend!

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5 star rating

Understanding Russian at a Deeper Level

Jessie Trotter

In Level 2, Daria dives into culture in each Unit by discussing famous people (composers, artists, authors, etc.), music, and movies. In addition, she conti...

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In Level 2, Daria dives into culture in each Unit by discussing famous people (composers, artists, authors, etc.), music, and movies. In addition, she continues to help use build a solid foundation on grammar points and mini-stories for helping us to speak. Great course!

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